Robert Gray Full Intestinal Cleanse II - 3 Month Plan
(With Intestinal Bulking Agent II)
*Recommended for new customers.
ONLY $267 - your full cleanse kit includes the following items:
7 Bottles of: Intestinal Bulking Agent II - learn more

Intestinal Bulking Agent II is the most significant breakthrough to date for maintaining a healthy population of lactobacteria in one's intestinal tract while cleansing the entire digestive system. It is brought to you by the developer and originator of the world's first highly successful herbal intestinal cleansing program.
This new formulation yields a two- to three-fold increase of lactobacteria-enhancing activity over earlier products, giving even greater assurance that you need not cleanse the intestines first and reimplant lactobacteria later, while still providing the lubrication and absorptive effects needed to sweep loosened mucoid matter from the system. You may now cleanse and promote an abundant implantation of lactobacteria at the same time!
The Holistic Horizons Intestinal Bulking Agent II and Intestinal Cleansing Formula tablets should both be used together to achieve this effect, as both contain required complementary ingredients.
DIRECTIONS: This product is a blend of premium quality powdered herbs taken one to four times daily with liquid throughout the cleansing period. Its primary herbal constituent, psyllium, is supplemented by onion, dandelion, and other palliative herbs to enhance effectiveness while acting gently on the system. (2+ bottles required for each month of cleansing)
INGREDIENTS: Special premium grade psyllium husks, onion, dandelion root, spirulina, cloves and d-calcium pantothenate.
1 Bottle of: Intestinal Cleansing Formula (100 tablets) - learn more

Intestinal Cleansing Formula is the key cleansing product in our program. It is a tableted formulation of premium quality herbs developed specifically to loosen and soften stagnant mucoid plaque in the intestines. It is taken orally one to four times per day along with one of our Bulking Agent products.
DIRECTIONS: Average dosage is roughly 200 tablets for each month of cleansing.
INGREDIENTS: Rosemary, chickweed, cloves, plantain, bayberry, cornsilk extract and irish moss.
2 Bottles of: Intestinal Cleansing Formula (250 tablets) - learn more

Intestinal Cleansing Formula is the key cleansing product in our program. It is a tableted formulation of premium quality herbs developed specifically to loosen and soften stagnant mucoid plaque in the intestines. It is taken orally one to four times per day along with one of our Bulking Agent products.
DIRECTIONS: Average dosage is roughly 200 tablets for each month of cleansing.
INGREDIENTS: Rosemary, chickweed, cloves, plantain, bayberry, cornsilk extract and irish moss.
1 Bottle of: Lactobacteria food III - learn more

Lactobacteria Food III with new formulation and improved taste is our most recent significant breakthrough for maintaining a healthy population of beneficial lactobacteria in the intestinal tract.
Lactobacteria Food III feeds the lactobacteria already present in one's body (prebiotic activity), namely those already implanted and colonizing the walls of the intestines. As these grow and multiply, their offspring colonizes the intestinal walls as well. In this way a healthy colonization is achieved in a few days or weeks without the need to be implanted. It now contains Inulin!
+ A "Prebiotic" soluble dietary fiber that aids, enhances and feeds the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, the probiotic intestinal microflora. •Produces short chain fatty acids which: ◦Inhibit the growth of disease causing bacteria. ◦are used by the liver for energy production. ◦have cancer preventing properties within the intestine.
+ Improves fat metabolism that helps lower LDL cholesterol levels and confer additional cardio-protection.
+ Increases the systemic absorption of calcium and magnesium.
+ Recognized by the USFDA as a food ingredient (not an additive) and regarded as safe for human consumption. This new formulation yields a manifold increase of lactobacteria-enhancing activity over earlier products, while providing improved taste and multiple other proven healthful benefits.
Our intestinal cleansing products have some of this same prebiotic activity but should not be taken continuously since homeostasis (the body becomes used to the products and they loose their effectiveness) will occur. Lactobacteria Food III, however, has no such effect and is thus ideally suited as a maintenance product to be taken between rounds of using the Holistic Horizons intestinal cleansing products. You may now promote an abundant colonization of lactobacteria year round!
DIRECTIONS: This product is a blend of premium quality powdered herbs taken one to three times daily with liquid at mealtime. It is quite gentle and effective. (2+ bottles required per month)
INGREDIENTS: Inulin, calcium carbonate, dandelion root, spirulina, and d-calcium pantothenate.

Full Intestinal Cleanse SP
With Special Formula Bulking Agent
Full Cleanse ONLY $267.00
The Full Intestinal Cleanse SP is designed to help you through both phases of your journey, with Intestinal Cleansing Formula, Special Formula Bulking Agent, and Lactobacteria Food III.

Full Intestinal Cleanse III
With Intestinal Bulking Agent III
Full Cleanse ONLY $267.00
The Full Intestinal Cleanse III is designed to help you through both phases of your journey, with Intestinal Cleansing Formula, Intestinal Bulking Agent III, and Lactobacteria Food III.

SINCE 1985
We updated our logo and website, BUT the quality ingredients of Robert Gray products remain unchanged!